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Proud to be a part of
Children First Academy Trust

We thrive and achieve together.


Outcomes 2023

We are really proud of the progress children make during their time at Wilbury. Below are the results from 2023.

Click here to see the letter from the Department of Education congratulating us on the progress our children make through the school.

Click here to see our results and compare them to other schools on the Department for Education website.


KS2 SATs results

Children with a high level of attainment in KS2 SATs

Average Scaled Score in KS2 SATs

The expected standard for each child to reach is a scaled score of 100 expectations. Each pupil receives their test results as a scaled score. Below is the average scaled score for pupils at Wilbury compared to the national score.

Average Progress KS1 to KS2

A child making the national average progress from KS1 to KS2 would receive a score of 0 (zero) for progress. A score above 0 means that the child has made better than average progress whilst a score below 0 means that they have made less than expected progress. An average of all the progress scores for individual children is taken to give the progress scores for the school in each subject.


Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

Percent scoring 100% in Multiplication Tables Check

KS1 SATs result

Children with a high level of attainment in KS1 SATs

Year 1 Phonics Result

Year 2 Phonics Result

End of Reception (EYFSP) outcomes