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Proud to be a part of
Children First Academy Trust

We thrive and achieve together.

Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 page of the Wilbury Website. Below you will find information about what Year 5 will be learning through-out the year as well as some pictures and information about just some of our learning activities.

Click here to view the yearly overview of learning.

Click here to read the Summer Curriculum statement, which gives more details about what children are learning this term

Spring Term


Year 5 took part in a STEM workshop in February. We made gliders of different designs and then tested them to see how far they went. By measuring how far they went and how long they took, we were able to calculate the speed of each throw of the glider (we learned that speed = distance divided by time and used calculators!).  The longest flight in 5C was 6 meters (by Javier) and the quickest travelled at 287 cm per second!

Autumn Term

Science Museum

Year 5 had a great day out at the Science Museum in November. We particularly enjoyed the Wonderlab where we could get our hands on many different science experiments and experiences. We had tested the resistance force of friction in our lessons at school using toy cars but here we got to test it out on ourselves by going down different slides!

Outdoor Adventurous Activities

Children are developing their orienteering skills this term by navigating directly to points on the school grounds.


In Science, Year 5 have been measuring the pull of gravity on an object (the weight) using Newton meters and comparing it to the mass of the object in kilograms. We learned that the force of gravity pulls objects down to the centre of the Earth and that it was first discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687.