Year 1 Lunar New Year

Year 1 collectively celebrated Lunar New Year (- or Chinese New Year -) with a special assembly.
They sang a song in Cantonese called 'The Jasmine Flower' which warmly welcomed in our invited parents and carers.
After hearing readings about the celebration from several children across Year1, Mr. Hegarty told the story of 'The Great Race'. It was about how long ago, in China, the Jade Emperor asked the animals to compete to swim across the river. The first 12 animals to finish would have a year named after them. The children joined in with lots of animal actions. In fifth place was the wise dragon which allowed us to look at the dragon puppets the children had made to decorate the Lower Hall. The children had been so busy in the weeks leading up to the assembly to ensure to make it a very special occasion.
Learning about different cultures and festivities is so enriching for our children. It is an opportunity to rejoice our diversity and make connections with our similarities as a community. Our thanks goes to Mr. Roberts for teaching us our song and accompanying us on the day too.