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Proud to be a part of
Children First Academy Trust

We thrive and achieve together.


As parents/carers it is your legal responsibility to ensure that your child comes to school regularly.

Regular attendance is not just a legal requirement, but it is vital for pupils to maximise their learning and achieve their full potential. It is very important we embed good habits of attendance and punctuality in order to make the most of the educational opportunities we have for your child.

Our School Day - Class is open from 8:40am: registers taken at 8:55am

School finishes - 3:10pm

Impact on your child’s learning:

Your child is expected to attend school for 190 days each year.

There are 175 non-school days each year. This means you have 175 days to spend on family time, visits, holidays, shopping, household jobs and other appointments.

Attending school every day helps your child:

  • To take part in all lessons, access all learning and reach their full potential
  • To be involved in every aspect of school life
  • To have a structured routine
  • To make friends and develop social skills
  • To feel part of the school community
  • To value and understand the importance of education
  • To have greater success throughout Secondary school
Impact on your child’s learning:

Coming to school on time everyday helps your child:
  • To be ready for learning and not miss any learning opportunities
  • To settle into the day
  • To get into good habits further down their school career and work in the future
Impact on your child’s learning:


If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, we ask that you call the school office by 8.30am to let us know of the absence. We will require your child’s name, class and reason.

Medical Guide for Parents 

Requests for Absence

HOLIDAYS – as a school we are NOT permitted to authorise any holidays taken outside of the term dates. The termly dates can be found on our website, newsletters or via the school office. These are published at the end and start of each school year. Any absence taken for this will be coded as UNAUTHORISED.

If you require leave from school, for whatever reason, you must obtain a ‘Request form’ from the school office. It is essential that requests are made prior to any arrangements being made. Please be aware the Headteacher will only authorise requests made with exceptional circumstances.