Inclusion and SEND
Wilbury Primary School : Vision of Inclusion
At Wilbury, inclusion for children means being not just accepted, but appreciated with all their individual differences. For adults it means adapting our resources or teaching methods to overcome individual barriers. Sometimes this may be as simple as purchasing physical equipment such as walking frames or acoustic aids. At other times we will need to obtain and implement specialist advice. Equally, inclusion may mean modifying our teaching to ensure children receive a broad and balanced curriculum, including access to a wide range of experiences and visits during their time at Wilbury.
Ultimately we are aiming to allow each pupil to develop and flourish toreach their full potential, whilst recognising that some individuals may need some form of support which is additional and different in order to do so.
Inclusion also means working alongside parents rather than doing things for them or to their child. Inclusivity is about appreciating the differences in individual pupils, members of staff and families whilst working to ensure everyone feels valued within our community.
The following quotation is from a letter sent by the parent of a child with ASD following his annual review:
‘As a parent of a child with additional support needs, I have found the staff at Wilbury Primary School to be friendly, supportive and understanding. The teachers are ready and willing to work with parents to ensure the pupil has the support and accommodations they need to achieve their potential. There is a real community feel to the school and the SENCo facilitates support amongst parents of SEN children by holding coffee mornings. I have found these to be very helpful in connecting with families like mine, sharing experiences and supporting each other.’
Ayan Hassan Parent at Wilbury
When everyone works together I really believe that there is no better place for a child with additional needs than Wilbury.
Ms C.Clipson
AHT Inclusion