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Proud to be a part of
Children First Academy Trust

We thrive and achieve together.

Nursery / TWOs

Welcome to the TWOs , Ducklings and Nursery page of the Wilbury Website. Below you will find information about what children learn in Nursery as well as pictures and information about some of the activities and experiences we provide.

Click here for information on our Early Years Foundation Stage

Click here to view the yearly overview of learning

Click here to read the Summer Curriculum statement, which gives more details about what children are learning this term

Click here for Tapestry tutorials

Welcome Videos

To see our WELCOME VIDEOS, a story and welcome from your child’s teacher, click on your child’s class below:


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Summer Term

The nursery children used modelling clay to make their own sculptures of our focus artist, Henry Moore's, 'The Family'.

Spring Term

The children have been exploring the seasonal changes this term, smelling the flowers, looking for insects and observing all the new colours we are seeing everywhere.  They have been very creative in our mud kitchens, mixing leaves and spring foliage to make "potions" and other wonderful creations!

The children got very creative with the materials from our recycling box. They worked together to make "a bridge". 

Autumn Term

At the end of last term, the children got very creative designing and creating their own festive decorations, all their own ideas. One decoration idea came from them discovering that playdough dries and turns hard if left out of a container for too long, so using the gingerbread people cutter, they made some decorations to hang on the tree! 

Last term, the nursery children went on a bear hunt in our garden. They reenacted parts of the story, which was one of our core books in the Autumn term. They went through the mud "squelch, squelch" and through a forest "stumble, trip, stumble, trip." They children did an amazing job learning all the key words and actions. 

The children in nursery have enjoyed exploring pumpkins the first half of Autumn term.  The talked about their colours, shapes, sizes, how they feel and where they come from.  They particular liked counting and sorting their seeds and making patterns with them.