Our school uniform gives a real feeling of community to all the children. It looks smart, and helps us create an atmosphere geared to learning. It also cuts out the rivalry of being ‘in fashion’ and saves you money.
All items of uniform are available here:
Please read information from Mapac here: Mapac Information
There are also some items that can be ordered from the Wilbury Primary School Online Shop here:
Wilbury Primary School Shop (parentpay.com)
Please note, the school will also regularly provide parents with the opportunity to buy second-hand school uniform during the year through sales at parents’ evenings and at other times of the school year. Please ask at the school office for more details.
Thank you for making sure your child wears our school uniform.
Navy blue sweatshirts or cardigans, with or without the school logo, in the top corner and white shirts, blouses or polo shirts again, with or without the school logo.
Grey trousers, grey pinafore dresses or skirts, black/grey/navy tights or white socks. Reception children may wear navy blue jogging bottoms. In Summer, girls may wear dresses in blue and white, with white socks.
Jeans and any 'Football kit' are not acceptable.
Black leather shoes should be worn for School, trainers are acceptable but only in plain black.
All children should have a named P.E. top, shorts and plimsolls or trainers for P.E. and games lessons.
PE kit is a white t-shirt and navy shorts. This should be in addition to the top they wear to school. P.E. drawstring bags are available from the office.
Wilbury track-suits are also available for outside sessions.
Book Bags
School book bags and back-packs are sold in two sizes each bearing the school logo.
No jewellery or earrings to be worn, unless stud earrings, for safety reasons. Watches must be removed for PE activities. No responsibility will be taken by the School for loss or damage to such belongings.