Year 4
Welcome to the Year 4 page of the Wilbury Website. Below you will find information about what children in Year 4 will be learning through-out the year as well as some pictures and information about just some of the learning activities.
Click here to view the yearly overview of learning.
Click here to read the Spring Curriculum statement, which gives more details about what children are learning this term
Autumn Term
In art, year 4 made Greek pottery. The children made their pots using clay, painted them and decorated them with Greek patterns.
In literacy, the children learnt about the bus journey of Rosa Park. They acted out scenes from the bus journey to help write a recount.
This term in science we learnt about electricity. The children were able to build their own circuits to light up a bulb with switches.
In year 4, we have been learning about 'Volcanoes and Earthquakes'. We used an application called 'Digimaps' to have a look at the earth's tectonic plates.