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Proud to be a part of
Children First Academy Trust

We thrive and achieve together.

Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 page of the Wilbury Website. Below you will find information about what Year 6 will be learning through-out the year as well as some pictures and information about just some of our learning activities.

Click here to view the yearly overview of learning.

Click here to read the Summer Curriculum statement, which gives more details about what children are learning this term

Summer Term

Secret Listeners of Trent Park House

Earlier in the year, Year 6 followed the historical enquiry, ‘How was Enfield effected by WWII?’ As part of this, they studied the Secret Listeners of Trent Park House. This week, Trent Park Museum Trust presented Year 6 with a framed certificate to thank Wilbury for their outstanding participation in the WWII Trent Park Secret Listeners educational workshops.

Our involvement in this project has really enriched the children's learning and they were all so involved throughout! We look forward to participating in similar workshops in the next academic year.

Below is the link to the learning section of the Trent Park House of Secrets website, where the Wilbury video can be watched.

80th anniversary of D-Day

Thursday 6th June 2024 was the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Year 5 and 6 took part in the ‘Archives Live: D-Day’ session. We used accompanying sources from the National Archives to learn more about the events that took place.
We discussed the following questions:
1. What did the Allies do in preparation for Operation Overlord?
2. How did the Allies ensure the location of the invasion was kept a secret?
3. What difficulties do you think the Allies faced on D-Day?

Spring Term

Mr Numbervator at Wilbury

Some Wilbury children have been extremely fortunate to be given the opportunity to work with Mr Numbervator. Mr Numbevator is coming in before school every Thursday morning throughout the Spring Term to work with a small group of children to improve their mathematical ability. He will work on number skills and play interesting games that will increase their interest in maths and help them to make progress in this area. 

Autumn Term

What role did the Secret Listeners of Trent Park, Enfield, play in WWII? 

We discovered an unfamiliar bag in our lost property box.  Inside, we found: a kippah with a star of David on, a Trent Park ID card belonging to ‘E. Mark’, a boat ticket from Germany to England (dated January 1935), a WW2 newspaper from 1944 and a German-English dictionary. 

Upon investigation of the sources, we learnt that the bag belonged to a German Jewish refugee - Eric Mark - who came to England after fleeing Nazi Germany. He then worked at Trent Park as a Secret Listener to assist the Allies in the war effort. 

We contacted Trent Park House to tell them of our discovery and Eric Marc’s ‘granddaughter’ offered to come into school to meet us! We then learnt about the role of the Secret Listeners through a fantastic drama-based workshop.  

Helen Lederer (famous actress and comedian) is the real–life granddaughter of another Secret Listener, Ernst Lederer. We were so very lucky to be given the opportunity to meet her - she visited our school in the afternoon, where she spoke of her discovery of her grandfather's role in the war effort, and then opened up the floor to a question and answer session. 

A huge thank you to Trent Park House, Freshwater Theatre Company and Helen Lederer, for a thoroughly wonderful day of discovery

Online Workshops

Yesterday (23.11.23) we had a visitor, Charlie, speaking to us about online safety. We started the day with an information session for parents to educate them about how to keep their children safe online and how to monitor their usage of the computer. Charlie then spoke to each Year 6 class about staying safe online, the appropriate age for specific games and websites and sending and receiving texts and messages. At the end of the day, Charlie delivered an assembly to Year 5 discussing similar issues.  

Graffiti Workshop

This afternoon, 30 Year 6 children took part in a graffiti workshop. They learnt how to 'bubble write' and create a design of many different colours. They used many different art mediums to create their final piece of artwork. These are some of their designs.


Metropolitan Police Talks

Today, Friday 6th October, the Year 6 children attended a talk from the Metropolitan Police in the Upper Hall. The police spoke to the children about keeping safe when walking to and from school. They also spoke about keeping safe online and making sure children don't give out their personal details. At the end of the talk, the children got the opportunity to ask many questions about being a police person and got to feel how heavy a police vest can be.

Staying Safe On Public Transport 

Alex from TFL visited year 6 and explained using real life scenarios how to be safe when using public transport such as buses and tubes. 

The Tower of London

A group of our Year 6 children visited the Tower of London on Tuesday 26th September. The children visited The Crown Jewels, The White Tower and other parts of the historic castle, whilst thinking about it’s purpose throughout history as a fortress, prison, palace and zoo. We had the most AMAZING day!"


Settling In

The children have settled into Year 6 really well and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting and getting to know their new teachers. On the first day, the children did different team building activities with their class. They had to work together to move the cups from one hoop to another, using only an elastic band and pieces of string. We hope that the year is successful and the children enjoy their last year of Wilbury.